Property Maintenance, LLC

715 514 2174  or



Serving Eau Claire, WI and surrounding areas with


Completed in Minutes



                    Some common blacktop repairs we most often perform:


          • Pot-Holes    -    deteriorated blacktop and/or missing pieces
          • Water drainage    -    directing water flow / eliminating puddles
          • Widen approach    -    widening the end of a driveway near roadway
          • Handicap ramps    -    ramps for wheel-chairs, shopping carts, etc.
          • Alligator cracking    -    large areas of shattered/spider cracking
          • Manhole leveling/repair    -    leveling or repairing surroundings
          • Leveling to Concrete lips    -    garage aprons / trip hazards




About us: We have over 25 years experience in Pavement Maintenance & Management including: over 10 years hands-on experience, and over 10 years training, building equipment, and managing. We are committed to building a reputable company and dedicating our skills, service, and knowledge to benefit customers.


What is an Infrared Repair? In short, the Infrared asphalt repair process starts with a broken section of blacktop that is heated (along with its surrounding surface) to soften the pavement and make it re-workable like the day it was fresh and first paved. After softening and raking the blacktop, we then add fresh hot mix from a heated box to bring the area up to grade and level it with a lute. When the new asphalt is at the desired grade it is then compacted with a vibratory compactor that fuses the new hot mix with the existing pre heated blacktop to create a seamless repair. 


Why choose Infrared? Infrared technology is the newest method in blacktop repairs and/or reshaping the existing surface. Infrared repairs leave no joints as they are thermally bonded, meaning the repair area is fused with the surrounding area so no water can penetrate. Infrared repairs are more convenient and economical to the customer and have less impact to public/traffic in parking lots or roads. Typical Infrared repairs are completed in 15-20 minutes and can be driven on almost immediately making it much easier to maintain high traffic areas. It is also a permanent repair that re-uses 80% of the original asphalt making the process more environmentally friendly.

715 514 2174   or

Serving Eau Claire, WI and surrounding areas


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Business and Residential Services

Driveways, Parking Lots, & More

Asphalt repairs Blacktop Repairs Pavement Parking lots Driveways Roads Hot-patch hotpatch heat-patch pot hole pothole parking lot manhole catch basin storm drain crack seal cracksealing sealing sealcoat sealcoating line painting striping stall infrared infered chippewa valley chuck hole spider cracking sunk sunken sink